Everyone's asleep except me. And you.

5 Favorites

5 Favorites

Five favorite moments in a theatre:


When she says in The Ferryman:

When I'm old... when I've forgotten my own face, the shape of my hands, or what those hands did, I will remember your face, your hands. And that's enough for me. That's enough.

And my jaw dropped and my heart saw the love I have for the world and the woman who was putting my boys to bed some 3,000 miles away.


When he says in True West

You go down to the L.A. Police Department there and ask them what kinda' people kill each other the most. What do you think they'd say?

And the brother says back: Who said anything about killing?

And he says: Family people. Brothers. Brothers-in-law. Cousins. Real American-type people. They kill each other in the heat mostly. In the Smog-Alerts. In the Brush Fire Season. Right about this time a' year.


In The Beauty of Leenane at the Steppenwolf when she walks around with the letter taunting, teasing the notion of putting it in the stove and someone shouts from the audience, "Don't! Don't burn it!"


When the white kid in Master Harold and the Boys spits in the face of the black man who raised him because his father didn't.


In the Belle's Stratagem when a redhead stands in a corset, blue eyes afire with life, and draws an invisible bow that she aims at the man who she is promised to. And I think, I am going to marry that woman.

So Sorry To Hear

So Sorry To Hear

Oranges and Hummingbirds

Oranges and Hummingbirds